Illustration + Design


Pregnancy Productivity | Pt. 1


Today I got up earlier than usual (finding it harder and harder to sleep in) and started getting some things done that I was looking forward to. I finished painting a sideboard, rearranged furniture, bought some new supplies, made my own toasted muesli, potted some herbs, bought a pram online, watched the Australian Open mens final and the Newcastle Jets soccer game on tv, chatted to my mum on the phone and cooked cheese and Vegemite scrolls. That's a ridiculously productive day for me and they don't happen often. I wish every day was like that.

I mentioned a few weeks ago that I bought a set of old school lockers and started sprucing them up. I borrowed C's dad's cordless drill and bought some new drillbits, screws and some mdf and added shelves, painted the interior and touched up the paint on the exterior (C was my lovely assistant -holding things and measuring things and finishing the painting). Doing this little project a few weeks ago has made me feel really excited about taking on more little DIY projects.


This week C and I were looking for secondhand baby items at our favourite opshop and saw a battered old sideboard/buffet (similar to the one in our kitchen) for $10. The laminate was peeling off and it looked pretty scrappy but we bought it anyway and last night after work I glued the laminate back on, sanded it, primed it and painted it and today we moved it into the baby's room. I thought it would be a good height to put a change mat on. Unfortunately I'm incredibly impatient and didn't take any 'before' photos for the lockers or the sideboard.

These little furniture DIYs have been really fun and I feel like they're something I'd really enjoy doing in the future, possibly for reselling. Later in the week we're picking up a cute cot we found on Gumtree. I'm sure I won't be able to help myself but share as the baby's room takes shape. I've been feeling undeniably nesty lately. My mum says it's good because you end up really appreciating the effort you put in before the baby was born, when you've got no time for doing anything after the baby is born. This is a space I'm probably going to spend a lot of time in, so I figure it is as much for me as it is for baby boy.


I'll eventually replace the posters blu-tacked on the wall with some framed paintings and drawings.


I found the tiered stand below for $5 at the same opshop trip mentioned above and decided it would make a nice display for some herbs at our front door. The brightly coloured containers don't have drainage holes, but I'm going to add some when I borrow C's dad's drill again. There are chives at the top, parsley in the middle and basil at the bottom. I was thinking it would be nice if my guests could take a handful of herbs when they go home after visiting.


Here are some pictures of my culinary efforts today. I eat a lot of muesli and thought I'd see if I could make my own toasted muesli with dried fruit (the picture was before I'd added the fruit). It was really easy and tastes as good (if not better) than the bought stuff - I might share my made-up recipe. I made a pretty enormous batch, so hopefully it's been economical (buying lots of nuts and dried fruit is always kind of pricey).


 I am also a huge cheese and Vegemite scroll fan but unfortunately the supermarket I work at has stopped selling them. I wimped out a bit and just used puff pastry for my attempt today but they were very delicious.


Before I sign off I wanted to show you a new little friend of mine. This little black cat is called Atticus (a name we did consider as a baby name!). I'll properly introduce you to him in a later post. He's the best cat ever.