Worn | The Mauve Cardigan
C is in Melbourne for four days seeing Belle & Sebastian (my sister and I went halves in buying him surprise tickets - they're one of his favourite bands), so it has just been me and Theo at home. Funnily enough, it's the first time C has ever been away from Theo and the first time I've had Theo on my own for an extended period of time. Theo and I are having a lovely time together and I'm so enjoying this time, wherein I have no other responsibilities except the care of my boy - no multitasking.
Today we went out for coffee with my friend Isis at Inside Cafe (I'm so sorry to the people who work there for Theo's rambunctious table manners - sugar and milk everywhere!). Afterwards we went to the chemist because Theo has had what I thought were lots of little bites all over him and they've been causing him a lot of grief, especially at night, but the chemist seemed pretty sure that it is chickenpox! It was a bit of a surprise and I've since gathered up supplies of things to bathe him in and slather over him to hopefully make him a bit more comfortable. Everyone keeps telling me that it's better that he gets it over and done with early.
Also, my whole outfit except for my shoes and brooch was thrifted. I think it's nice when that happens! Theo's clothes are hand-me-downs from his cousins.