Illustration + Design


Bits | Lately


Life is about to get really busy. I am in the last month and a half of my degree and I'm trying to develop strategies for getting everything finished by the end. I have a lot of work to do but is such a relief to be finishing. I have had mixed feelings about this degree as a whole and have had to really try to get something out of it at times. My presence here will be a bit limited until the end of semester, but I'm working on a few more illustrated lists. Here are some pictures from lately.

Being able to walk around confidently now means that the backyard is a place of adventure and wonder for Theo. At the moment he's really enjoying chasing the cats around the yard and helping C to water the garden. He went and got the watering can by himself, dipped it in the pond to fill it up and tried to pour it on the cats, laughing maniacally!

This is a little peek at my backyard studio. The plasterboard on the walls needs to be filled, sanded and painted and there are some gaps and things to tend to (but I lack the know how) so hopefully when my mum visits at the end of the year I can fix it up and do a big reveal.

Spring flowers are popping out everywhere in our garden.

Theodore had mixed feelings about his first experience of painting.

Atticus enjoys drinking from the bird bath.

Theo's sweet little boots with scuffed toes.

A waratah from my garden getting ready to bloom. This is what it will look like when it comes out.

We recently bought a new record player and the records (which C meticulously alphabetised last week) have been coming out every day for a spin. Theo is also starting to really like dancing, so C has been playing a lot of upbeat tunes (his favourite is Taylor Swift's Red - C has a big crush on her!) and we've been dancing around our lounge room.

Some sweet mail from Emma and Garci.

Theo and I standing outside my studio. Now that the weather is getting warmer, the backyard is really nice to be in and when C lets him, Theo often wanders out and visits me in my studio.

Another sweet flower from the garden - I only wish I knew what they all were!

Some library books I've been reading lately.

The heavy curtains that were on our dining nook windows started looking really terrible, so I took them down and threw vintage floral sheets over the curtain rods. At first C thought they were a bit twee, but I think he likes them now.

Flowering rosemary.

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Some doodling I did while watching Mindy late one night.


I splurged and bought a Filofax a few weeks ago and am really enjoying using it. I have been downloading free printable pages to put into it and designing some of my own and using it is really helping me to keep organised. I've been trying to write a paragraph in it at the end of each day, just trying to keep a quick record of goings on.