Illustration + Design


Just A Minute... May.

Grumpy #catsofinvermay #catsinmyneighbourhood I name this one Gordon
We saw a cute grumpy cat near our house.

So disappointed that I'm 60 years too late to mail away for the pattern for these cushions.
I found a stack of old 'Home Beautiful' magazines.

A few weeks ago I lost my wedding ring at work. This is my replacement - sapphire & opal.
I lost my wedding ring a month or so back at work (I think it went into a customer's bag!), but I replaced it this month with this sapphire and opal ring I saw at a local jewellery shop - this one is going to stay firmly on my finger!

Some things I've been working on lately.
I had a crit at uni and this was some of the work I showed. I keep saying it, but I'll share details about it eventually (it's why I haven't been blogging much lately).

Pretty #Launceston street art
I noticed this nice street art in an alleyway.

I made some little sketches.

#rigbykitty lapping up the sun
C's parents came over and helped me to work out how to tame our garden (this is a before shot). I really enjoyed it and it is really nice to know how to take care of the beautiful plants in our garden. Here is Rigby enjoying the scenery.

When I'm at the bookshop I like to take photos of books I want but can't afford.
I like to take pictures of books I want in bookshops so I'll remember for when I can afford to buy them.

Late breakfast.
I took this picture of my breakfast and then had a bite of the raisin toast and it was horrible (gluten free raisin bread that had been frozen for too long). It made me think of Sally's excellent and quite affecting post she calls 'Insta-bollocks'. Basically, it's about the way in which we present ourselves unrealistically, stylised, curated. I really enjoyed her post.

Being #babyjagoe's mother is a good time. @xavcob really deserves the Mother's Day accolades though - he puts in the hard yards.
Have I ever told you about how much #babyjagoe loves cats?
This sweet boy of mine turns one in THREE DAYS. What?! (also, he enjoys eating cats).

He likes taking all of the cans out of the pantry and then putting them all back in his own arrangement. He also likes to take lids off things and put them back on.

Watching | Inside Llewyn Davis (really enjoyed it), Orphan Black, Girls Season 3 & Game of Thrones.
Listening | The soundtrack to Inside Llewyn Davis & one particular Bob Dylan song I love called 'This Evening, So Soon' (you can listen to it here).
Reading | Home Beautiful magazines from the 50's.
Visiting | Deloraine (for a day drive), Evandale (for the markets) and Hobart (for a rally). We were also visited by a friend of mine from high school, Margaret, and her cute little boy Marshall. I haven't seen anyone I went to school with in a long time and it was lovely to see her doing so well (she's going to be a doctor one day).
Consuming | Bagels (still) & peanut butter cups (I bought C a HUGE box as an early birthday present).
Purchasing | Presents for C's birthday (most of which I've already given him) and new tubes of gouache.
Coveting | These red shoes.
Guest posting on | Uncustomary and Thriftcore.
Looking forward to | Theo and C's birthdays next Tuesday, finishing up my uni work for this semester (I'm making a zine full of all of the work).

How was your month? I'd love some recommendations for films, TV shows and music. I'm feeling hungry for new things. What have you been consuming lately?