Illustration + Design


Worn | Shiny Red Shoes


My mum bought me these shiny Diana Ferraris shoes when I was about fifteen. She was obsessed with eBay and I had an amazing shoe collection thanks to it. She was great at finding bargains and some odd things like a sickle! I had half a dozen Doc Martens and Converse and a pair of weird Japanese platform sneakers (which I still have and have only worn once). I probably haven't worn the shiny red shoes since high school and they sadly had their last wear today and I threw them out when I got home due to much of the shiny fake leather all chipping off the bridge of the shoes on my walk. Still, I'm glad I got one last walk.


My Nana made my scarf and I bought my little purse at the markets, made from an animal feed bag. We went for a walk just after these photos to face looking at baby items again. We got a better idea of what things we might need, but I still feel thrown in the deep end! There seem to be so much unnecessary stuff - I feel like I need a baby mentor to help me wade through all the nonsense!

