Illustration + Design


Holiday Acquisitions


I entered my first Lush store today. Oh my. All four of the store people came up to me at different times and applied various delicious potions onto me. It was unfortunate that I visited the store on the last day of my holiday as I certainly could have spent a lot of coin there. I am very keen to read Marieke Hardy's book that I picked up at the markets and I adore my new backpack. Also, I really think that wearing an eye mask improves my sleep. This was me going on holiday with not very much money and I managed to spend a lot of my not-very-much-money (especially on food).

Some Hobart highlights:
+ Visiting the Museum of Old and New Art - one of the most incredibly wonderfully bizarre places I have ever been. I am still amazed that it exists in Tasmania and not in New York or London. Coins, sculptures and sarcophaguses from a several hundred years BCE juxtaposed with machines that make poo and a video installation of 30 German people on televisions singing Madonna songs, among other things. I'm still thinking about the things I saw. I don't want to share too much or I'll spoil it!
+ Riding a bike to the museum along the awesome innercity cycleway. I thought that being someone who cycles daily, I'd have no trouble on this rented bike. As soon as I got on it I backpedalled (my bike has hand-brakes) and smashed into it with great speed. I'm waiting for some pretty intense bruises to show.
+ Riding atop a ferry home from the museum along the river. Beautiful.
+ Visiting the Salamanca markets.
+ Buying my first Mac Ruby Woo lipstick.
+ Watching people dance at Rektango.
+ Attending the Gotye concert in the Royal Botanical Gardens in Hobart with 5999 other people. It ruled.
+ Drinking a smoothie in a restaurant called Drifters, dedicated to Errol Flynn (they even have his real birth certificate on the wall).
+ Eating a superb lunch at a restaurant called Machine which is part laundromat part cafe (Miss Piggy does a great post about it here).
+ Staying with our lovely friend Mel.
+ Wandering a lot.
+ Getting caught in a huge flooding hail-storm on the way home (submerged cars!).

Happy to be home and I hope to return to Hobart in the next few months. I didn't even get to go vintage clothes shopping!