Illustration + Design


El Pajaro

^ Carl Kleiner.

A mixed and miscellaneous post with some photos taken during the week;

Last weekend I got a lift to Sydney with a friend of C's who was going to meet up with some friends he had met on WoW. He dropped me off in Darling Harbour and with my very limited knowledge of Sydney, I navigated my way 3km by foot up George Street to the MCA Zine Fair. Along the way I spotted this shop front at Sportsgirl and thought it was amazing. I want everything on those shelves. I wonder where they'll go when they redo the shop front?;

Also in my Sydney trek I picked up a nice hardcover drawing book from Smiggle. I haven't done anything much in it yet, just a silly caricature of C and I and one of my house mate and his girlfriend (which he requested). I can't wait to fill its pages;

This week I submitted three assignments and there are two due next week, but I am well and truly on the home stretch. For one assignment I put together this poster - it involved dipping drawings into a jar of paint water with tweezers, cutting out paper snowflakes for several hours and redoing things over and over because I have relentlessly grubby fingers. I forgot to photograph the final design before I submitted it, so I'll show you the finished product some other time;

After spending a bundle on printing and mounting, we all brought our photos in for one class, only to have our tutor take a single photo of them set up on a white board and then we had to take them home. Ah well! At least I can have them now;

I made a collage for Bird In The Hand zine distro last week which Susy quickly got printed into a thousand postcards! I also forgot to take a photo of the collage, it was much brighter than the scan;

Halfway through doing assignments this week I decided I wanted to rip all of the paper laminate off my desk and paint it. It was about 10pm at night, I didn't have enough paint and I had to do it inside and I did a pretty scrappy job, so it was all pretty ridiculous but the outcome was kind of cool. Notice that it's only 3/4 painted. Ignore desk mess! Next week I'll finish it off;

After next week I'll be on break and the following weeks will involve packing up my life into small boxes in preparation for the move and spending a lot of late nights and early mornings watching the World Cup with C.