Illustration + Design


Magic Sparkle Torch

I'm quite fascinated by 'weird' shoes. Not so much wearing them, but collecting them. Shoes reminiscent of a bizarre sculpture, worthy of presenting on a shelf. I have a pair of cherry-patterned velcro ultra-high platform sneakers that my mum bought me for $2 on Ebay when I was fifteen that I have worn once (because they're horribly uncomfortable) and I could never throw away because they're just too good to look at. I stumbled across Irregular Choice (via Agent Lover), ogled their collection of sculptures shoes and I couldn't look away. Here are some of my favourites (Though admittedly I'd probably only actually wear about a third of them);

Great names too: 1. Magic Sparkle Torch 2. Can Can 3. Bambino 4. Dance The Night Away 5. Hello Govener 6. Jazz Baby 7. Trinklettina 8. Possibly Maybe 9. Longlashes 10. Making Moves 11. Nolita HoneyMerry Melody 13. Chica 14. Kim Oh No 15. Rosepea 16. Brooklyn Beauty 17. What An Angel18. Trixxie 19. Electrokill 20. Kill Nemesis 21. Popper Pops 22. Hot To Trot 23. Nougat 24. National Vacation 25. Shimmy 26. Parrot Talk

Any you'd actually wear? I wish pounds were dollars!