Illustration + Design


Collars and Bows

^ The Cherry Blossom Girl (via Here Comes The Sun) I love collared dresses.

I think these playing cards by Anne Charlotte Menegaux are totally gorgeous (via Tabitha Emma). I've often wanted to make up some collage designs for playing cards;

This is my kind of cake; wedding cake garland from dsharp (via Poppytalk);

I loved this post about sending coconuts through the post by the wonderful Letter Writers Alliance.
I keep seeing this Macbook case online everywhere lately, but I think it's very clever, want!;

I thought this mini bunting birthday card from How About Orange was very sweet, she included a quick tute too;

Some passive aggressive (or aggressive aggressive really) parking notes at Rebel:Art, made me laugh. I can remember being a kid and somebody left a note like this on my mum's car and we had no idea why.
Terrific Treehouses - I want one (all of them).
A pretty letterpress drop cap print by Jessica Hische, who also does the great Daily Drop Cap.

I decided to spend a large chunk of my day last week playing Tuper Tario Tros (Mario Bros x with Tetris). I'm still no good at it.

A sweet hair bow tutorial by Elsie from A Beautiful Mess, I'm gonna try it out;

Twenty of the world's most beautiful chocolate packaging designs - this one was my favourite, so pretty;

I'll hopefully introduce the aforementioned giveaway on Monday :)